Hello friends, Spam Comments Automatic Delete ? If you are a
blogger, and your blog is on Google's blogspot, then these posts are
very important for you. Because in this post, I am telling you to
automatically remove the spam comments that appear in the blogger blog
comments. In this post we will learn what are Spam Comments? What are the disadvantages of Spam Comments? How to Automatic Remove Spam Comments?
Nowadays, almost all the bloggers get the problem of Spam Commenting. Most of the comments in the blog are done by other bloggers, affiliate marketers, or sellers. Who add links to their comments. Now-a-days, a lot of Spam and Fake websites are being created everyday on the internet. And later these links are shared everywhere for promotion and marketing of these websites. So to avoid all these problems, you should also pay attention to the Comment section of your blog. And should protect from all these Spam.
If we understand in easy language, then spam comments are those comments which contain the link of a blog, website, or web URL. Nowadays such comments are being made by users a lot. Actually, users comment on another blog to promote their blog, website or product, in which they add a link to their blog or product. Now, suppose a user has made 15 comments in different posts in our blog, in which he has added a link to his blog. Now, if in future, for some reason his blog gets closed, then 15 Broken Link will be created in our blog. I have already written a post about what is Broken Link? So in this way, the comments with links are called Spam Comments of our blog.
If a user has not added to the link comment of the website related to our blog or post, then that too is considered as spam comment. And if a user adds more than one link in a comment, then they also fall under the category of Bad Comment or Spam Comment. Also, if a user has commented on our blog, Adult, Sexual, Porn, Pornography, Drug, Etc. If you add a link to the website, then it will also be called Bad Comment or Spam Comment. So that's why we should make privacy of spam comment in our blog strong. So that we or our blog will never face any kind of problem.
By the way, spam comments are very harmful for our blog or website. But not necessarily, that every link has spam comments. Sometimes the comments of a good rank and popular blogger, which has links to his blog, will not be called spam for our blog. Let us know what damage can be done to our blog by spam comments.
1) Broken Link starts being created in our blog with spam comments.
2) The ranking of our blog in search engines starts coming down.
3) In the eyes of search engines, our blog reads bad effect. Know
4) Blog traffic starts coming down.
5) Earning / income also starts decreasing.
It is very easy to remove spam links from blogger comments. But if you are a Self Hosted WordPress user, you can use Akismet Plugin to automatically remove all Spam Comments links from your blog. You can activate and install this plugin in your WordPress blog. Apart from this, if you are a Blogger user, you do not get this kind of plugin feature in Blogger. In Blogger you have to make manual settings and changes in HTML code. So let's learn how to remove automatic spam links from blogger blog comments.
1) First you have to be logged on to your blogger. And then come to the dashboard.
2) Now click on Theme. And then go to Edit HTML.
3) Now HTML Code Box will open in front of you. In which you have to press (CTRL + F) to find.
4) You have to find </body> inside the HTML Code Box.
5) And then copy and paste this code over </body>. You can understand by watching the below screenshot.
6) After pasting the code, click on "Save Template" and save the settings.
So in this way you can easily remove spam links from the comments of your blog. By making these settings, all the old spam link comments of your blog will be automatically removed from them.
Nowadays, almost all the bloggers get the problem of Spam Commenting. Most of the comments in the blog are done by other bloggers, affiliate marketers, or sellers. Who add links to their comments. Now-a-days, a lot of Spam and Fake websites are being created everyday on the internet. And later these links are shared everywhere for promotion and marketing of these websites. So to avoid all these problems, you should also pay attention to the Comment section of your blog. And should protect from all these Spam.
What are Spam Comments?
If we understand in easy language, then spam comments are those comments which contain the link of a blog, website, or web URL. Nowadays such comments are being made by users a lot. Actually, users comment on another blog to promote their blog, website or product, in which they add a link to their blog or product. Now, suppose a user has made 15 comments in different posts in our blog, in which he has added a link to his blog. Now, if in future, for some reason his blog gets closed, then 15 Broken Link will be created in our blog. I have already written a post about what is Broken Link? So in this way, the comments with links are called Spam Comments of our blog.
If a user has not added to the link comment of the website related to our blog or post, then that too is considered as spam comment. And if a user adds more than one link in a comment, then they also fall under the category of Bad Comment or Spam Comment. Also, if a user has commented on our blog, Adult, Sexual, Porn, Pornography, Drug, Etc. If you add a link to the website, then it will also be called Bad Comment or Spam Comment. So that's why we should make privacy of spam comment in our blog strong. So that we or our blog will never face any kind of problem.
Loss from Spam Comments?
By the way, spam comments are very harmful for our blog or website. But not necessarily, that every link has spam comments. Sometimes the comments of a good rank and popular blogger, which has links to his blog, will not be called spam for our blog. Let us know what damage can be done to our blog by spam comments.
1) Broken Link starts being created in our blog with spam comments.
2) The ranking of our blog in search engines starts coming down.
3) In the eyes of search engines, our blog reads bad effect. Know
4) Blog traffic starts coming down.
5) Earning / income also starts decreasing.
How to remove Spam Link from Blogger Comments?
It is very easy to remove spam links from blogger comments. But if you are a Self Hosted WordPress user, you can use Akismet Plugin to automatically remove all Spam Comments links from your blog. You can activate and install this plugin in your WordPress blog. Apart from this, if you are a Blogger user, you do not get this kind of plugin feature in Blogger. In Blogger you have to make manual settings and changes in HTML code. So let's learn how to remove automatic spam links from blogger blog comments.
1) First you have to be logged on to your blogger. And then come to the dashboard.
2) Now click on Theme. And then go to Edit HTML.
3) Now HTML Code Box will open in front of you. In which you have to press (CTRL + F) to find.
4) You have to find </body> inside the HTML Code Box.
<!--Stop Blog Comments -->
<script>$('.comment-content a[rel$=nofollow]'). replaceWith(function(){return ($(this).text());});
<!--Stop Blog Comments -->
5) And then copy and paste this code over </body>. You can understand by watching the below screenshot.
6) After pasting the code, click on "Save Template" and save the settings.
So in this way you can easily remove spam links from the comments of your blog. By making these settings, all the old spam link comments of your blog will be automatically removed from them.