Nowadays, many users have facing slower windows performance and slower boot time because they never cleaned junk files/temporary files in their system or they are using the previous version of windows. To maintain and optimize the windows we should install the latest windows updates because these updates can patch the vulnerabilities present in windows which can harm our system. Following are some more steps by which you can optimize and maintain your windows speed:

1. Check windows update weekly
Microsoft provides cumulative updates and definition updates for windows defender antivirus and many more updates from time to time. So check your windows updates at least once in a week.

    Ø Cumulative updates: These updates include improvements to enhance the functionality of the application or programs on the Windows Operating system. These updates are bundled with previously released updates. So check the cumulative updates manually.
    Ø Definition updates for Windows Defender Antivirus: Microsoft release the definition updates for windows defender antivirus which include a security patch files for latest security threats and viruses.
 You can set a specific time to check Windows Updates. But this option is only available for Windows 10 version 1903 users.

2. Delete unwanted files
There are many unwanted and temporary files built in the operating system which are not used and take a lot of memory space which reduces the speed of our Operating system. Following are some steps to delete the files from the system:

    Ø Clean prefetch files: Following are steps to clean the prefetch files from our system:
1.     Click on window key + R to Run then type prefetch and then click ok.

          2.     A dialog box will pop up press continue.
3.     Delete all the files from the folder.

    Ø Disk cleanup: Following are the steps to clean a disk:
1.     Click on window key + R to Run then type control panel and click ok.

2.     Search free up disk space.

3.     Click on the link of free up disk space by deleting unnecessary files.

4.     Select C: drive and click ok.

5.     After that check all the boxes (Note: Uncheck the download box because it erases all your download data permanently) and click ok and all the temporary files will be deleted.

    Ø You can also use third-party software ex: Ccleaner, Glary utilities, etc.
3.   Do not install cracked/pirated software
By installing third-party software your system may run slow or sometimes this pirated software contains Virus, Spywares, Trojans, Bloatware and, Ransomware which can cause damage to your system files and hackers can easily install unwanted software in the system which slows down your system performance.

4.   Use only trusted Antivirus software
Antivirus softwares protect our system from Viruses, Malware, and Ransomware. Windows 10 comes with inbuilt Windows defender antivirus. There are many antivirus software's are available in the market ex: Avast Free Antivirus, Avira Antivirus, Trend Micro which are trusted software.

5.   Disable unnecessary startup programs
There are many programs start automatically which reduces our system speed. To disable all the unnecessary programs from taskbar following are some steps:
1.     Left-click on the taskbar and select the Task Manager option.
2.     A dialog box will open. Go to the startup tab and disable all the programs which are not used.