Earning Money Online is just as simple as Anything could possibly be. You just have to know whereto check and what to do.

In this Guide I'll show you how to sign up and earn cool money with a Survey Site called YouGov. I have tried many Survey sites and this is absolutely the BOMB!! You take short surveys for as high as 200 points and withdraw straight to your Payoneer account when you accumulate 5000 points which is 50 pounds. That is #23,000!! 
The only reason i use this site is because you dont get banned neither do they withhold your points. The money is sent straight to your Payoneer account. If you don't have one, just go to Payoneer.com to open one. It works like PayPal but with Payoneer you can withdraw straight to your Nigerian Bank account.
I have earned close to a hundred thousand with YouGov and thats why i am even bothering to tell others about it. If you are a student or struggling like me, then that's not a mean amount!!
NB: Once you sign up make sure you check your mail regularly. Surveys are sent to your mail. TAKE ATLEAST 6 AND IT BECOMES EASIER AND FASTER AS YOU EARN MORE POINTS PER SURVEY.


1. Visit YouGov By Clicking Here. NB: This link gives you an extra bonus on sign up. You should  see something like the picture below. Click on the 'Join' option at the top.


 2. In the Sign up window as shown above, input your email address and your desired password. DO NOT SIGN UP THROUGH FACEBOOK.
3. A confirmation mail will be sent to your email address. The mail should appear as shown below

 4. Click on the Start Survey button. This first survey earns you your first 100 points. MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE UNITED KINGDOM AS YOUR COUNTRY.
 As for your details, visit www.Fakeaddressgenerator.com and use a UK city, address and postal code to fill the survey. An example is shown below.


 5. Go ahead and complete the survey and earn your first 100 points. DON'T FORGET TO  CHECK YOUR MAIL  DAILY FOR MORE SURVEYS. TAKE ATLEAST 6 AND GETS EASIER FROM THERE!!

Note: You can always refer your friends to earn more points.