Some modern technologies were invented to function or look unique, but were eventually modified. On another occasion, they were invented for a purpose, but eventually they were used in different ways, which is true for many of the current technologies, from our cell phones, to the USB flash drive, air conditioners, sirens and the block chains that form the backbone of the technology Form technology. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Most were not invented for the purposes they have today. And those who did not finish as expected.
1 # The iPhone was never designed to support third-party applications.
applications are now the backbone of any mobile operating system. In
fact, they are one of the main reasons why a new mobile operating system
can not come out of nowhere. Users of mobile phones that require
operating systems other than Android and iOS often need to rethink, as
most mobile applications are designed for both operating systems.
Interestingly, we barely had the App Store. When the first iPhone came
on the market in 2007, Apple only allowed developers to build web apps,
not mobile apps. Web applications open by default in the Apple Safari
browser. However, Apple began to rethink its decision after developers
had expressed concerns about creating web applications instead of mobile
apps. Steve Jobs initially opposed the attempt to move to mobile
applications, although several Apple executives felt that change was
inevitable. Jobs was concerned about the quality of third-party
applications. He then gave up and the App Store was launched in 2008.
2 # The USB stick had to be foldable.
average person needs 2-3 attempts to connect a USB flash drive to their
computer. Ajay Bhatt, the inventor of the USB stick, was aware of this
problem when he created the USB stick. He tried to avoid that by running
the product. In other words, the USB stick can be plugged in any way we
see it in the USB Type-C. At that point, Bhatt and his team did not
change the USB drive because it was a non-proven technology. So far,
computer and device manufacturers have developed various products that
allow users to transfer files between their computers and other external
devices. Bhatt wanted to standardize that with USB. However, the team
was concerned about reducing the production cost of the prototype
because it was not certain that its product would be distributed. The
USB prototype would have needed twice as many wires and circuits if
Bhatt and the team had given in. That would have made production more
expensive, something you want to avoid by inventing unproven
3 # Android was invented for cameras.
Android would never have been Apple's rival if the inventors had
implemented their original plans to develop the digital camera operating
system. Android was founded in 2003 by a four-member team trying to
develop a digital camera operating system. The operating system would
have allowed photographers to connect their cameras to their wireless
PCs or the cloud where they stored their photos. The inventors
maintained this vision until they began looking for investor funding in
2004. They found that the market for digital cameras was declining. At
the same time, smartphone sales have increased. Then they turned to the
development of their operating system for smartphones. Later, Android
was taken over by Google and converted into free software for smartphone
4 # The ice machine was invented to chill hospital patients.
ice machine was a spin-off of the refrigerator that had been in
development for centuries until William Cullen invented the first
practical mechanical refrigerator in the 1720s. Several inventors
improved their design. These included Oliver Evans, who in 1805 designed
a refrigerator that used steam instead of liquid for cooling. In 1842,
the American doctor John Gorrie Cullens refrigerator converted to an ice
cream maker. Gorrie used the ice machine to lower the body temperature
of yellow fever patients in the hospital where he worked. He received a
patent for his invention in 1851.
5 # The first air conditioning was supposed to cool a print shop.
Carrier invented 1902, the first practical air conditioning. Like the
ice machine, the air conditioner was a derivative of the refrigerator.
Future inventors of air conditioning worked on refrigerators when they
discovered their air conditioning features. As mentioned earlier, Gorrie
has developed the ice cream maker. He then improved it to develop a
cooling system that functions as an air conditioner, even if it is based
on the principle of the refrigerator. However, he is not considered to
be the inventor of air conditioning because his invention was not