How to get many 'likes' on facebook without apps.

How to get many 'likes' on facebook
  How to get many 'likes' on facebook without apps.
How to get many 'likes' on facebook without apps:
 People who run Facebook.  They want to get a lot of likes on their Facebook posts or status.  But this is not good luck for everyone.Today's post is for them.  People who like to get a lot of likes on Facebook.Today's topic is how you will get many likes and become popular in your Facebook post.
 First you need to keep three things in mind.  For example:
1.Post Types.

2.Posts like rules.

3.Flashes of wisdom.

1.Post Types:
         Facebook like: 
 Always post photos or videos with status on Facebook.Because one study says that posting photos on Facebook usually yields 3 percent more like.99% comments and 80% likes are more available in photo-based status.It is also known that posting at least 80 words is more likely to go viral.So your post should be like this.
2.Posts like rules:
    There are some rules of the post that will help you succeed.As a rule you have to post 1-2 a day.Because the number of 'likes' will continue to grow rapidly.People don't like neutral posts.Take care of that.Everyone likes posts about negatives and  humanity.After posting this, it will go to your friends first.
Note whether they like the post or not.But when writing a post, you will think ten times whether your post is correct.
3.Flashes of wisdom:
When a famous person posts it on Facebook, it immediately goes viral. But it is not good luck to ordinary people.  So you have to train your intellect there.   
                Facebook like
>When posting to Facebook, you should keep in mind that what you post may not look good to anyone else.  That is why everything will be prevented from posting on Facebook.  Always post exceptional types.  Post in a way that others are curious about your post.
 And refrain from annoying posts.
>People love to get news and give news.  And now the news is already available on Facebook.  This is the kind of news that I used to post on reliable sources.  And express your opinion on the news. People will be curious to know you differently.  People now love to wear social issues, new news, comedy, comedy, politics, fantasy, topics.  
>.You can post about these topics.The most important for getting likes on Facebook is 'timing'.
 You will often post about any events you know before they are cut.
>Live on Facebook regularly. Visitors will recognize you.  And start following you.
>The night before the holidays, after the holiday evenings, people came through social media.  At this time people's presence increases through social media as they have an interest in telling or doing what they did on vacation.You keep posting about that time.  They will be interested in wearing this post.
many.Make your profile picture more stylish than others. And don't make your profile picture funny.
 Bring fancy to your profile picture.  Review pictures or books in your style.  Post it with criticism .  But it should be within the logic.  Post something about yourself.  However, it should be limited. Because it seems boring to many.

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