How to click perfect Landscape images by Smartphone.

Hello guys,
                   There are most of the people who can't afford a Camera to click moments or to improve their photography skills, so they use their Smartphone Camera. Problem is this, everyone has not the same camera quality smartphone. Some has good camera quality and some has average or low camera quality.
                   Here, i will show you how to capture landscape miniature images from low end camera smartphones.

1. Grid Lines - The first and the most important thing to capture landscape images is to kept grid line concept in mind.Grid Lines gives perfect angle or shape to the image.
2. HDR - Now every smartphone comes with HDR mode. It is very helpful in capturing landscape images. It lets you see more detail in your shots by widening the exposure range. You can use this mode to take photos without losing details in bright and dark areas. 

3.Monochrome - Some images don't come up with good colours
So these captures need mono finish to make these captures look better. Monochrome in nothing it's just Black and White filter that gives the image Boldness.
These are the following images, i have taken from my smartphone.As i have clicked these following images from low camera quality smartphones. So these captures needed some editing like sharpness to look better.

                 1.2(miniature mono)
                1.3(landscape HDR)
      1.4(miniature sharp)
These following were landscape miniature images clicked by me from Honor7A.
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