Internet has become a very important part of our life in today’s time. Mobile, computer,laptop without  internat  Is like a toy. A one time have internate no more people are use,But today’s time withaout internat we cant live it

Every time people search in google, use youtube,facebook and more social media. But you can think about one time, what happen if only 1 minute internat is off or shut down, it can cause loss of thousands of millions money.

 Well what is internat,why is internet we will know nicely.
 But you can know how internat make,how start the internet. so friends let’s talk about.


How start internat :

These things soviet union of 1957 made its  satellite, so the news was spreading fast. And after the news reached america. And USA think how it happen,and after,
Cold war started between United state and soviet union. It is here that the president of the united state dwigt.D Eisenhower,he was made in ARPA ( Advance Research Project Aegancy). The united stats of president, the main motive, main reasone behind the creation of the ARPA agency that was to give his country an edge over other countries in the world of science and technology.


At that time the size of the computer was so big that a large room was needed to eep it. At that time, magnetic tape was mostly used in computers. And no other way to connect the multyple computers. And after was ARPA thought to creat something that would allow multiple computers to connet through a network. To creat a network here, he took the help of one company that name is BBN technology. Its main purpose is to connect different typs of oprating systems of together through a single network. And this network is named ARPANET. 
So that network was became the first network  to implement TCP and IP protocole that means implemeting the internet rules. In today’s time , whatever you  are using on the internet is the gift of ARPA. Tahnks to the arpa. After that in 1973, the engineer thought  lets connect the ARPANET to the PRNET ( Packet Radio network). Basically prnet is radio transmitter and receiver work in connect two different computer.


These work taken 3 year to connect ARPANET+PRNRT
Successfully. After 3 year the connecting  two (arpanet+prnet) network, after 1 year later connecting the  two network into one network that mean connect the SATNET ( Sattelite Network) which was very important. After connecting the multiple newtork basically we call internet. So after get succes so many network connect to that. In 1989 tim Berners-lee invet  desigen the system, with help of whatever things are available on the internet , you can asily find it the help of URL that call www(World Wide Web). After some time all network  connect to it easily. And today’s time  our daily life we connect with internet all devise easilly.and use it.
I hope guys you understand easilly. if you liked the read it.then definitely comment us.
Have nice time