Acne and pimples are two of the most common issue that everyone face in their lifetime.
Most of us face this annoying thing the day before an important day and can ruin our handsome look. Don't feel ugly dude I will take care of it.
Today I am gonna tell you 5 simple Hacks that can really help to fight with this shit.
First of all, we need to understand why they occur.
Our skin has numerous amount of oil glands that produce an excess amount of oil or sebum which works as natural moisturizer when your body produces an excess amount of sebum and dead skin cells due to hormonal changes, the two can block your hair follicles and form soft plug, which is a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. When the clogged hair follicles get infected and result in inflammation, the follicle wall will bulge and form a pimple
Now let me come to the hacks that actually you are waiting for.
Ice work for noninflammatory types, By reducing the inflammation of your pimples, you’re directly reducing the size. In theory, gradually reducing the size of your pimple with ice can eventually make it go away entirely.
*cleanse your skin, just as you would do before applying any other type of treatment.
*Wrap the ice in a thin cloth or thick paper towel. You can also use a cool compress instead if you don’t want to mess with the aftermath of melted ice.
*Apply the ice to your pimples in one-minute increments only, try this for 10-15 minutes twice a day.
You will see the positive results on your pimples by the day.
Honey is a natural antibiotic which makes it perfect for healing and reducing pimples. Honey is well known for its sweetness and stickiness. This stickiness effect can really trap your dirt and debris. You can utilize honey by making a simple mask.
*Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon and two tablespoons of natural honey (preferably Manuka honey)
*Rinse your face and pat it dry
*Apply the paste to the blemishes and leave it there overnight.
Toothpaste is a good option if you have a giant pimple that you want to take care of quickly. It is effective because it contains silica, which is the same substance that can be found in bags of beef jerky to keep moisture out. As such, toothpaste has been known to dry out and reduce the size of pimples overnight. Simply apply some to the affected area before sleep and wash it off in the morning.
4.Baking soda
Baking soda is a well-known natural remedy for pimples. Its antiseptic properties make it effective in destroying bacteria in the affected area. Also, baking soda has a restorative function as it stimulates the growth of new skin cells.
*Mix equal portions of baking soda and water to form a thick paste
*Apply the paste on your skin for 30 minutes
*Rinse it off with warm water
Last but not least, Steam can help treat acne because it helps to open up your pores, which prevents them from being clogged. Steam also moisturizes and detoxifies your skin
*Boil a small pot of water and pour it into a bowl
*Add herbs or essential oils into the water
*Drape a towel over your head and hold your head over the water for around 10 minutes
Close your eyes and breath deeply
*Use a mask to pull the impurities from the pores on your face
Never pop your pimple. Popping pimples seems to be the quickest way to make the red spots on our skin disappear. But it can permanently damage your skin! When you squeeze a pimple, you’re actually forcing the oil substance and dead skin cells deeper into the follicle. The extra pressure exerted will make the follicle wall rupture, and spill the infected materials into the innermost part of our skin. This skin damage will lead to the loss of tissue and finally cause acne scars.