Aloe vera for Health
We know that aloe vera is very good for hair or face only. It turns out that aloe vera palnts also have many advantages when we use it as a drink directly. Therefore, aloe vera juice is one of the alternative drink that does not only helps eliminate thirst. They are the advantages of aloe vera juice that we need to know:

Overcome of constipation
Aloe vera drink is the best drink to treat the constipation. The quoted of Healthy line, a study shows that it can increase  the amount of water in the instestine. If the water level in the intestine has increased, it would have stimulated the movement to encourage the intestine, so you have a schedule for more regular and normal bowel movements.

Maintain the healthy skin
Antioxidants in aloe vera are quite a lot. The antioxidants have a role to protect the skin from free radicals which can make the skin become dull and look older. In addition, there are compounds in aloe vera that can neutralize the effects of radiation from ultraviolet (UV)

Consuming the aloe vera juice can repair the damage skin which is caused by UV rays and it can also prevent wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, aloe vera is also useful of reducing inflammation as well as acne.

Overcome Inflammation of Gums
A study conducted by one of the lecturers at Hasanuddin University, Makassar. He found that mouthwash which made from aloe vera can reduce inflammation of the gums. Especially, it is after the treatment to remove plaque.

From the result of the study we found a conclusion that mouthwash made from aloe vera tends to reduce inflammation of the gums. The researchers agreed to state that it is antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help this regard.

Control blood sugar levels

In the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, they found that aloe vera can help to control deep sugar, especially the patients with pre-diabetes and also the diabetes type 2. The researchers state that extract from aloe vera plants can absorb sugar that has just been digested in the body. So that aloe vera juice can be used as a natural treatment to keep blood sugar stable.