When asked what is the dirtiest and most dirty thing around you, what is the answer?
Eits, who said! Most likely, smartphone, which is probably currently in your grasp, is the dirtiest and most bacterial item.
Do not believe?

Why are smartphones becoming a favorite nest for bacteria?

Well, after knowing how dirty your smartphone is, of course now you want to immediately clean your smartphone, right?
In a 2014 study, of 51 smartphones studied, experts found more than 7,000 types of bacteria.
Indeed, most are good bacteria that come from our own hands and mouth, but of course also tucked away bad bacteria that can carry disease.
Smartphones are often the dirtiest personal objects for several reasons:
        Many people carry smartphones to the toilet, especially when defecating
        Many people rarely wash their hands after getting out of the toilet or after holding dirty objects, then immediately hold the smartphone
        Smartphone batteries make this object tend to be warm so that bacteria prefer to perch
        Many people rarely clean the smartphone properly (hey, when was the last time you cleaned the smartphone with antibacterial and not just wiped tissue?)

Any bacteria and viruses that are often on a smartphone?

If you feel frequent flu, frequent stomach aches, or even often spotty for no apparent reason, it could be the culprit is a smartphone full of bacteria.
Any bacteria that can be found on a smartphone? Check below:

1. E. Coli, the bacteria that causes diarrhea

This is a type of bacteria that usually lives in feces or dirt, and if ingested it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and indigestion.

2. Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium that causes infection

If there is a wound on your skin, this bacteria can make it become infected. Even some types of bacteria that are stronger can also trigger respiratory infections that can be dangerous.

3. The virus that causes flu

More flu season and don't want to get infected from people who are sick? One important way is to clean the smartphone properly and correctly.
Because the flu virus is scattered everywhere and can easily be attached to a smartphone.
So, even though you have shunned sick people and even wear all masks, if the smartphone is still dirty and you hold it, yes it's just lying.

4. Clostridium difficile

This is also one of the bacteria that often makes severe diarrhea, the point must be kept away!

5. Streptococcus

Frequent sore throat? This bacterium is the cause, and is often found on many people's smartphones.

How to make the smartphone clean and free of bacteria

Well, after knowing how dirty your smartphone is, of course now you want to immediately clean your smartphone, right?
But don't just wipe it. There are several ways to care for and keep your smartphone clean and free of bacteria.

1. Don't lend your smartphone frequently to people

It doesn't mean that you have to be stingy, but you don't know what the person is holding. Maybe he is new from the toilet and hasn't washed his hands.
Or safe, after borrowing your smartphone, wipe it off with wet tissue antibacterial.

2. Don't take the smartphone to the toilet

It feels dead style if you don't have a smartphone on the toilet. But if you are lazy to diligently clean your smartphone every day, you should not bring your smartphone into the toilet.
Want to defecate and don't want to sleep on the toilet? Try to bring your favorite book or comic to read.

3. Don't play smartphone while eating

After you know what bacteria are often on your smartphone, of course you don't want the bacteria to enter your mouth, right? Well, so it's best when you eat, don't hold your smartphone first. Especially if you eat using your hands.

4. Diligently wash your hands

From kindergarten, we are also often told to wash our hands, but it seems that until now there are still many who are lazy.
Come on, don't be dirty, guys. After from the toilet, before eating, and after holding a dirty object (or doubtful cleanliness), immediately wash your hands before continuing to move or hold the smartphone.

5. Regularly clean the smartphone

Actually cleaning your smartphone once a week is also enough provided you clean it properly and not just wipe it.
You can buy a smartphone cleaning spray that is sold in stores, then wipe it with a microfiber cloth (you can use a cloth if you have one).
For the smartphone body, you can use an antiseptic wet tissue. Easy to get even in stalls, usually the brand is for babies (because it is often used when changing diapers).
But be careful when cleaning the screen, guys. Because many touch screen components can interfere with certain liquids or objects that are not compatible, you should make sure you only use smartphone-specific cleaners.
Or more easily, read this article for how to clean your smartphone screen.

The final word

Hopefully after reading the explanation above, we all become more aware of various impurities on smartphones. Those who are lazy to wash their hands become more diligent, who never clean the smartphone also become aware.