Top 5 Great things about Body Language ?

Posture :- 

It refers to the way people stand for sit. Someone who is sitting well back in his or her chair, legs crises at the ankle, may be seen as being relaxed and confident. Someone who is sitting with a gloomy expression, head down and lifeless is probably feeling depressed or dejected. Someone sitting forward in a chair looking intently at the speaker is showing a great deal of interest. The ability to interpret such signals and act accordingly is important in developing good humaTechnical war


Facial Expression :- 

Human faces are capable of communicating a wide range of expressions and emotions. A smile on the face can indicate cheerfulness, a sarcastic smile may indicate disinterest or disagreement a frown denotes upset or worry, sleepy eyes indicates boredom or fatigue, raised eyebrows denotes questioning and disbelief, and so on.

Eye Behaviour and contact :- 

Along with facial expressions, the eyes effect is also important. It said that you don't smile with your face alone, but with your eyes as well. There must be proper balance between facial expression and eye behaviour.

The eye contact is important in oral communication. Looking someone directly in the eyes suggest openness, honesty, confidence and comfort looking away gives an impression of being sly or perhaps just unsure and uncomfortable. When speaking to one person at a time, it is advisable to look at in his/her eyes. When speaking to a group avoid fixing your gaze on one or two persons, you should look at everyone in the room to let everyone feel involved.

It is to be noted that maintaining eye contact is not appreciated in certain cultures. For instance, in some parts of India, Asia and Latin America, a subordinate keeping his/her eyes lowered is considered as a sign of respect, and maintaining eye contact is a sign of disrespect.

Gestures :- 

Several gesture are used as people speak. For instance, showing a fist indicates anger, throwing up arms may indicate excitement, a thumbs up sign may indicate good luck, nodding of head up and down may indicate disinterest or disagreement, and so on.

It is to be noted that gesture vary from culture to culture. For instance the signal to indicate "NO", in India, people move their head one side to other; people in Bulgaria nod up and down; people in Japan moves their right hand; people in Sicily raise there chin. Therefore, one has to know the culture, especially when one deals with people of varied cultures.

Position of Head :- 

In face-to-face communication, the position of head or the way people hold their head is also important. People with their head held high may signal a sign of confidence, maturity, self-respect, and also interest in the other person. However, a head bent low may indicate politeness or modesty. Head drawn too far backwards or stiffly held straight up indicate pride or ego. Nodding of heading up and down is an important sign of agreement with the speaker.

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