The best herbal black heads remedy

Black heads remedy


how to remove blackheads in hindi
The worse the blackheads look on the face, the more painful it is to get rid of them. Blackheads are skin pores that are blocked by dead skin and oil. They turn black due to wind and dust. If you have been troubled by using facials or nose strips, then let us know that at home  remedy you can speak by-bye black heads without any pain.


Mix one egg in one spoon of honey and apply it on the face and let it dry. Then wash it with water. Pores are tightened with egg white and blackheads are removed. Honey makes the skin glow. Apply on your face once or twice in the week.

Green tea

Hearing the name of green tea reminds one about weight loss first, but it is more than that. Its antioxidants remove dirt and clean out blackheads. For this, mix dry green leaves in water and make a thick paste. Apply it for 15-20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.

Apply tomato pulp on face before sleeping and wash it in the morning the next day. Tomatoes have antibacterial properties that dry out blackheads. Tomatoes have natural antibacterial properties, which helps in drying blackades. In addition, it also contains lycopene, which exerts antioxidant effects on the skin and removes all damaged free radicals.

Aloe Vera gel

Many people consume aloe Vera to get better skin. It cleanses the pores and removes excess oil from the skin. Due to this, blackheads, pimples and other skin problems are removed.

What to do?

Remove fresh gel from aloe Vera and apply it on your face.

Apply it on your face for 10 minutes, then wash your mouth with lukewarm water.

How often do we do this?

To get better results, apply aloe Vera gel on your face daily.

How is it suitable for the skin?

People of any skin type can apply it on their face.

Coconut oil

You'd be surprised to know, but it's true that it helps remove blackheads. It contains lauric acid, which is an antimicrobial element. In addition, coconut oil nourishes the skin and removes dead cells. A few drops of organic virgin coconut oil.

What to do?

Massage the blackheads thoroughly with coconut oil.

Leave it on the skin for a while and then wash your mouth.

Below we are going to explain why blackheads occur more frequently:

When oil starts to form on the skin.

When propionbacterium begins to form on the skin.

When dead cells are not cleaned continuously.

Due to hormonal changes in the body. At this time more sebum is produced on the skin. Sometimes, there is excessive sebum on the skin at the time of taking menstruation or contraceptive medicines, due to which blackheads can also occur.

Sometimes blackheads also occur due to drug reactions (e.g. - corticosteroids, lithium, and androgens).

Blackheads can also occur due to stress.

There may also be a genetic reason behind being blackheads.

Chemical reactions of any cosmetic can cause blackheads.
What if blackheads were allowed to stay like this?

Blackheads do not distance themselves. If not treated on time, it starts growing and can leave scars on the skin.

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