Wireless Fidelity, or more popular Wi-Fi, is one of the important things for digital life. For netizens, the presence of WiFi is like fresh air. Especially in the middle of the internet quota price that continues to soar. Therefore, many people experience confusion when their laptops cannot get a WiFi connection.
Cause of WiFi Laptop Can not Connect not only because of the absence of a network. In fact, WiFi conditions often occur. Laptop not connected even though there are many networks around. Then what's the problem? See the following review.
Initial Steps to Overcome Laptop WiFi Suddenly Cannot Connect
We may often experience this condition. We have turned on the laptop WiFi, but the network symbol still shows a red cross. Even though we know, around us there is a network that can be accessed. To overcome this problem, we can do the following.
Click the re-search symbol on the network bar that has been opened. The shape of the two arrows is opposite each other. If it still can't, click "Open Network and Sharing Center". See available network maps. If you intend to use a WiFi network in an area, make sure your map is based on a Local Area Network (LAN). If it's checked but WiFi can't connect too, click "Troubleshoot Problems" to find out the cause of WiFi Laptop can't connect.
Common Problems Cause WiFi Laptops Cannot Connect
After clicking "Troubleshoot Problems", you will be asked to wait while the program diagnoses the problem. After the diagnosis comes out, you can only find out the cause of your laptop's WiFi can't connect. Usually, the problems that arise are as follows.
1. Forgot to Turn on the WiFi Button
You may experience this often. If you forget to turn on the WiFi button, no network can be accessed. This is because the search mode of your laptop is not open. 
To open it, you can click the button symbolizing the tower signal or signal only. The combination of clicks can vary depending on the type of laptop. To turn on the WiFi laptop, someone just presses the WiFi button. Some need a combination of click fn + WiFi , or ctrl + WiFi . But usually, the WiFi button is located on the top keyboard side. So one with the shortcut key F2.
2. The Access Point Does Not Turn On
If you use a modem, make sure all the indicator lights are on. This indicator light is a sign for the modem access point. If all the indicator lights are on, the access point is not constrained. For those of you who use WiFi hotspots, make sure the network used is truly accessible. Often there are network hotspots with high BPS signals but cannot connect the internet.
3. Network Connection Incorrect Settings
This can happen if you set the laptop proxy specifically. Finally, when you use WiFi with a common proxy setting, you can't connect. In order to be able to connect again, you must restore the proxy settings as usual.
4. WiFi Driver Not Installed / Damaged
This is the reason WiFi laptops cannot be the most complicated connections. When you can't connect WiFi, maybe you need to check whether your laptop already has a WiFi driver or not. 
To check it, you can click Open Network and Sharing Center -> Change Adapter Settings. If you already have a WiFi driver, usually 1 or more built-in drivers are listed there. If there is no other than LAN, then you have to install the WiFi driver. 
If you already have a built-in driver but still don't connect, check your driver status. A healthy WiFi driver shows a green signal symbol on the screen. If there is a cross inside the symbol, then your driver needs to be repaired.
5. Incorrect Network Access
When visiting WiFi hotspot, have you ever found a network with WiFi.id username or speedyinstan@WiFi.id? Everywhere, the network looks tempting because the signal is always full. But don't be fooled, this network cannot be used for internet access.
6. Airplane On mode
For Windows 8 or generation users above, the flight mode feature has been provided. Like on cellphones, flight mode aims to reject any signal connected to the device while on air. When flight mode is on, any network will not be accessible.
7. Incorrect WiFi Password
When everything is okay but your laptop doesn't connect WiFi too, try checking the network used. Is the network limited access? If yes, you will definitely be asked to enter a specific password for authentication. Either directly or via the web. If you just enter the password, then you still cannot access the internet. Even though it has connected WiFi. 
The points above are the cause of WiFi laptops that cannot be the most common connection. Now you can handle it yourself when you can't connect WiFi. No need to spend money by bringing it to the service center.